YO66 FHM 2018-12-20 17:05:32

Stop driving up people's backsides at 50mph on country roads you total moron. What are you going to do if someone needs to stop suddenly.


Until they get some better drivers!
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YO18 WDN 2018-12-09 16:24:09

This -200IQ whale almost backed out of a parking space into my car. Decided it wasn't worth looking behind to check if there was cars already pulling out before her in a busy parking lot. The beached whale then decided to mouth to me with her fat Lord Farquaad looking ass "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, WHAT ARE YOU DOING, WHAT ARE YOU DOING". The whale got all confrontational until she realised I started taking photos and videos just in case you're a crazy bitch.
Just in case she's reading this - Driving a big car does not automatically qualify you to have any sort of intellect neither does it mean you have any ounce of common sense. You're a bully and a GOD AWFUL PARENT. You had children in the car and you want to be confrontational! Do not reproduce anynire and I hope your kids don't turn out like you.
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YO15 XON 2018-12-12 10:48:12

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YO52 DFE 2018-11-07 19:06:13

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YO15 VTP 2018-10-23 21:15:06

This guy licks ass and loves Willy’s
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YO65 EFB 2018-10-21 17:17:53

You don't own the outside lane of the A3, so why not stop driving like a selfish moron and let other more competent drivers overtake you.
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YO15 WWE 2018-06-01 22:37:52

Driving around villages in Midlothian asking if you would like to buy a mattress then asking if they can buy your dog. Dodgy people.
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YO17 GOU 2018-05-26 19:40:45

Dangerous arsehole.

Tailgated our family car, then pulled in front of our car and aggressively breaked.
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YO56 HKP 2018-03-28 17:14:31

Guy rammed into my bike and ran away.
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YO16 OKH 2018-02-10 19:48:48

Fat inpatient cunt
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  2. S671 UOA
  3. FV04 FWJ
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  5. GL20 ONN
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  7. B16 GOB
  8. LJ23 YCT
  9. GJ24 NNH
  10. SG10 BZY

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