Angry aggressive guy hellbent on proving manhood on the road. Psycho woman at his side setting 'great' example for their kids effing and jeffing at other road users minding their own. Using their car as weapon threatening to hit our car just stopping inches short from side (and holding all the road up while proving their point). All the while psycho woman telling us 'not to hit their f'ing car' while we sit bemused. Don't know where these crazies came from but perhaps they should return there and go to parenting classes.
Abusive woman with a penchant for picking on female cyclists. My partner was riding bike through Lakeside Doncaster, going straight over a roundabout so need for hand signal in this situation. Horrible woman in the car threatens to knock her off the bike as she apparently didn't hand signal. What you meant to do? Point forward?. No need for f'ing and blinding.
Happy Mother's Day darling - if you have any kids they must be so proud of you.
Approximately 14:30, 18/02/2016 on the A413 coming out of Aylesbury towards Whitchurch. I was travelling from the last roundabout in Aylesbury, and I came across a slow-moving HGV being followed by 2 4x4s, this car (2012 White Nissan Navara) at the back. The 4x4 ahead of them indicated and proceeded to overtake. I know this road well, and I could see that I could maintain my speed and overtake. I held back a bit, indicated, and began to overtake this car. My car is not fast, so I was indicating and in the outside lane for a while before I was alongside. Whilst I was halfway past, he/she indicated and immediately pulled out towards me. I braked and blew my horn, and they continued to pull out. They overtook and I followed. They then began performing rude hand gestures out of their window towards me, and then the passenger (a teenage boy) climbed halfway out of the window to do the same. Whilst I understand that they may have mistakenly not checked their mirrors before overtaking, and not heard my car (it is quite loud, especially in a low gear at full throttle, when overtaking + their window was open), I think that their determination to continue the manoeuvre when I had made my presence clear, and their continued aggression towards me was dangerous, and other drivers beware of this car around the Buckinghamshire countryside, as their road attitude is extremely aggressive
This driver was seen in Deptford yesterday 20/01/16 at 16:50pm driving dangerously and swearing. Speeding through a busy and tight road and almost hitting another car due to impatience. Seriously needs to be identified who was driving this company car and they need to be spoken with. Very dangerous aggressive driver.
This twat in a black mini thinks they can drive through hatched areas and left turn lanes and then turn right at the end holding two lanes up. Complete dick
Absolute cool guy