Utter dick of an old man. I had to slam on as a pedestrian stepped into the road and he then proceeded to follow me into my car park and threaten that tonight I won't have any tyres left on my car. I'm a 24 year old girl and he was a full grown prick
Driven by a midget with small-man syndrome; became aggressive when challenged as to why he was parking on private land without a permit. When asked to step out of his Hilux, it became apparent that his bite would never match his bark. If I see you again, I'll do more than photograph your truck, you bow-legged, inbred retard.
Was behind this car for a good miles in Camberley, Surrey. This driver is extremely inconsiderate and idiotic where they were tailgating a number of cars and driving extremely fast in a 30 zone. I hope they get caught as they should be off the road or retested.
✓ Taxed Vehicle YT59PBV is Taxed
Tax due: 1 July 2025
Incorrect tax status?
No details held by DVLA No details held by DVLA for vehicle YT59PBV
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Warning If you've just bought this vehicle the tax or SORN doesn't come with it. You'll need to tax it before driving it.
Vehicle Details
Vehicle make
Date of first registration
December 2009
Year of manufacture
Cylinder capacity
9000 cc
CO₂ emissions
0 g/km
Fuel type
Euro status
Not available
Real Driving Emissions (RDE)
Not available
Export marker
Vehicle status
Vehicle colour
Vehicle type approval
Not available
Revenue weight
Not available
Date of last V5C (logbook) issued
13 June 2022