YX16 GYB 2021-10-17 16:27:13

So many bootlickers on this website like usual
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YX14 NKL 2021-10-15 19:11:54

dark glasses, maybe hes blind. drives like it anyway
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YX14 NKL 2021-09-29 16:20:43

Daft old twat should lose his licence. Could've been nasty. Doubt he'd even have stopped if there'd been any accident behind him.
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YX14 NKL 2021-09-22 22:01:08

I hate Donna Summer
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YX57 FJJ 2021-09-06 05:15:13

Don't tar every motorcyclist with the same brush, not all are bad the same way not all car drivers or cyclist are bad, either.
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YX61 VOO 2021-06-15 22:54:55

Scum biker talking about danger of phone use while chasing after car and going on the right side of the island. What an absolute brain dead useless scum. Clearly has insecurities in life. Idiot probably thought he'd show up the driver.
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YX61 VOO 2021-06-15 21:42:51

Biker is an absolute pussy. This is the typical type of cunt that should mind his own business because he'll actually make things worse. Ps to say he doesn't know how to use a handbrake he filters better than you do on a bike. Bikers a complete pussy
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YX68 UWS 2021-05-08 07:22:08

You do realise it's a bus, right? That it must be able to stop safely and in a timely fashion?
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YX15 VPK 2020-10-10 04:07:52

Arrogant cunt at the start was cycling towards that disabled person. I ride a bike myself, and if I ever saw you assault someone's space like that I'd consider wrapping your bike around your head. You are out for trouble - I hope karma hits you like a brick. Cunt.
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YX52 LGU 2020-10-07 09:24:11

mot ran out the same day, thats luck
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