You deserved more than having your mirror knocked forward but the police can't be arsed or are short staffed to enforce the traffic laws.
Careless and inconsiderate driving up to £5,000 fine
Disqualification Discretionary
Points on licence 3 to 9
You are, like most people who fail to indicate, dangerous to other road users and pedestrians. Unfortunately for the rest of us no action will be taken until you've killed someone or caused a crash and it's been caught on camera that you've failed to indicate.
I'm wondering what sort of response you'd have if some other nutter did exactly what you did but killed or badly injured one of your family?
There is no excuse - you are taught to use them to enable you to pass your driving test - if you failed to indicate you wouldn't be granted the privilege to drive
And no I won't accept "Ah well it's just another Audi"
Impatient twat. If a vehicle in front of you is overtaking at a notably faster speed than the vehicle in the left lane (how overtaking works!) Then flashing isn't going to make the cars magical merge into one just for your special ass.
Apparently these people have the authority to block the middle of the road and park on a junction and refuse to move for 20 minutes whilst they wait to pick someone up, refusing to move claiming "they're not moving and they can't get it in gear" soon got it straight in gear and drove off when the person they were picking up came out! Don't people know the laws of the road especially in a no parking zone!
Maybe be a bit slower when you drive into a parking space and leave me your number so we can talk, thanks :) luckily you did more damage to yourself than to me. Be more careful :)
Likes using his phone the amount of times he’s text me ! But has always pulled over and turned the engine off. He drives like a tortoise so if you see this car give it a beep or a nudge
The woman who drives this car claims she works for TV Licensing.