Dangerous driver. Cutting across lanes last minute when we're doing 70mph on a duel carriageway without even signalling. Had to slam my brakes on, very near miss.
2 ignorant women got out of this car from a mother and baby parking spot.
Heard them get told that it was a mother and baby parking spot, stated i can park where I fucking want doesn't matter where i park. Wouldn't mind the woman that told them it was a mother and baby parking spot was struggling to get a baby out of the car.
Rude tramp people with no class and no respect for others.
CV07 OAUTried to drive a mother and baby off the roas2018-11-06 16:01:09
While driving down a dual carriage way past snipe retail park. I has my 4 month old son in the car. I was in the middle lane and they where in the car left.
The passenger looked over his shoulder and made eye contact with me so knew I was there.
There lane was full so they came into my lane which made me swerve into the right lane.
It's a good job no one was there because they nearly slammed into the front of my car.
They didn't even care. His son was just laughing at me. Disgusting
Absolute lethal.
Doesn’t know what double white lines are, and average speed cameras.
Enjoy your speeding ticket mate you’re a twat.