Dangerous car MOT history and again another idiot on the road. Pulls out in front of you at junctions and doesn't use indicators. Another of Swansea's rubbish drivers.
This guy drives from west bromwich to helesowen every day. He looks about 10 years old and proceeds to cut drivers up, tail gate the on the motorway and overtake and undertake to get in front. He seems to think that we all like queing on the slip road road to the motorway, but he much prefers to cut down the right hand side to where it merges into a single narrow lane... what a tosser
Tailgate in a 40mph road then undertook cat at speed sounding horn and giving fingers out window only to slam.on breaks when they saw the slow moving bus upahead. limited vision wander with no road sense likely to be an organ donor soon
Shit driver!!! Absolute asshole thought he'd tailgate us all the way by Dolgellau/Porthmadog direction ON HIS PHONE tapping along to music not paying attention up my ass while I've got a 3 month old baby in the back of the car!!!!! Had to al his breaks a few times cos he wasn't looking!! If he damaged my car or my baby he'd be sorry, USELESS TWAT.
Dangerous car MOT history and again another idiot on the road. Pulls out in front of you at junctions and doesn't use indicators. Another of Swansea's rubbish drivers.