CY21 FVT 2024-06-02 16:37:40

Likes to sound horn at old people crossing roads.

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CY19 OFN 2024-05-25 12:34:19

The clue is in the multiple no through road signs but that doesn’t stop you bombing down here and then gingerly reversing back out again.
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CY21 EYF 2024-01-19 21:07:31

Wow you're hard aren't you? I bet you'd faint if Twilight Sparkle farted on you. FUCKING LAIRY PRETENDING-TO-BE-HARD-MAN CUNT!!!!!!

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CY59 HGA 2023-12-10 20:06:23

Stupid driving, shouldn’t be on the road. Coming into bromsgrove, almost crashed into the side of us, with our whole family in the car and a pregnant person.
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CY20 AXN 2023-10-21 13:21:35

This driver really needs to watch this video before getting upset with another driver parking on the right!
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CY57 NAO 2023-10-27 12:59:48

twat who cuts metres in front of a truck.
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CY15 EZZ 2023-09-10 19:35:42

Don’t ever change your hair colour, because that blonde bimbo look suits you. Particularly when you cut across me because you almost missed your exit. Worse, you slam your brakes on because hitting the car in front due to your own incompetence isn’t acceptable, but driving into my braking distance and then slowing excessively because you can’t pay attention to the road is.
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CY60 GMF 2023-09-02 00:03:25

Red light jumper
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CY15 HEJ 2023-08-03 17:04:42

Get it sorted mate
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CY59 EWU 2023-07-22 23:19:31

Driver is a nonce
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  2. S671 UOA
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  8. GJ24 NNH
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