Absoloute twat in his gay coloured car, flying around the town thinking he is max verstapen. No f***s were given when he pulled out onto on coming traffic at scarcely high speeds.
Watch out this this blind cunt on the roads. Always lurking near the childrens crèche in Langley. Big, ugly & smelly old pervert. Dirty cunt 🥊🥊🥊
CY09 LXCBlackburn speeding City taxis Overtakes learner on a crossing on a bend with school bus oncoming2021-10-12 20:35:30
Ewood park, Blackburn CITY TAXIS ( CY09LXC ) Speeds through a Pelican Crossing on a Bend and on the wrong side of the road while Overtaking a Learner driver while a School Bus is coming the other way.
I would love to know if WHEEL'S Driving school has any comment or footage?