Report it to the police and leave a notice to the effect. Also state that any vehicles found to be illegally parked on private property may also be liable for a parking charge and/or face their vehicle being removed and all charges to be pain in full by the vehicle's owner. That isn't parking..that's a piss take.
Learned he had an aftermarket Pioneer jobbie, so I had to get my own jobbie off him. 11/10. My dashboard is now a bit rattly but it was worth the jobbie
got a bit amorous up the car meet last night so asked man like paypay if he would spank my botty with his cupra (no homo). things ensued but the fuel filler flap spontaneously opened mid-drift and forcibly entered and exited the hole. 20/10 did not expect, did not regret
Fuck off postings this shit , you are one boring fuck
Yep another close on 100k and 5+ owners