Vehicle Details
Vehicle make
Date of first registration
December 2020
Year of manufacture
Cylinder capacity
1968 cc
CO₂ emissions
138 g/km
Fuel type
Severn Trent drivers are just as bad as highways contractors.
This driver has no concept on the use of indicators.
This van driver seriously needs some driving lessons on lane etiquette as well as not using his high beams when someone honks to make him aware he’s about to crash into them:
This idiot was hogging the middle on the motorway while HOLDING HIS PHONE TO THIS EAR and was drifting around the lane. Second picture shows his hand up to his ear - his phone appeared to be an iPhone (6s?) and was in a black case so is hard to see. Idiot. Disgustingly selfish, in a car with Bluetooth as well.
Vehicle Details
Vehicle make
Date of first registration
December 2020
Year of manufacture
Cylinder capacity
1968 cc
CO₂ emissions
138 g/km
Fuel type
Severn Trent drivers are just as bad as highways contractors.
This driver has no concept on the use of indicators.