Absolute bellend of a driver swerved at a large puddle and absolutely soaked a woman
Imagine if this was your wife or daughter and the shoe was on the other foot you fucking moron
My partner pictured your van and we drove back and gave her our details and what we had witnessed and told her to report it to the police
Hopefully your company will get a call and the driver find for his stupidity
Colour Grey
Fuel type Petrol
Date registered
30 November 2020
This idiot decided to tailgate me while navigating the roadworks.
I allowed him to pass when safe to do so, however, he decided to dangerously swerve before overtake.
What followed was tit for tat exchange in attempt to pull each over.
Decided to let him go as this stretch of road has too many witnesses, only to catch up later where he decided to pop his head out, and mouth off before driving off.
Young girl starting at us for over 5 minutes. vVery creep.