Colour Black
Fuel type Petrol
Date registered 2 July 2015
MOT valid until 23 June 2023
This idiot thinks the middle lane is for turning right. This particular roundabout is unmarked so normal rules apply.
MOT history shows little regard for brakes safety.
This maniac speeds down the access road to the motorway roundabout, in the wrong lane, just to get ahead of one car. Drives dangerously just to get in front, total w@nker!
Another nob head who thinks they can call you what they like. Obstruction on his side, wouldn't move over then leans his fist out of the window and calls me a wanker. Call me that to my face or again and you'll be eating through a straw for the rest of your sad old life. Stupid old cunt!
unless you've broken down, or had an emergency, you can't leave your car parked there. Thats a bicycle lane. Then you wonder why they dont get used! If it is a breakdown or an emergency, then i apologise for the post. If not, then dont leave your car there.
Did 13mph in a 20. Sped up to 40mph when I tried to overtake, I went back in behind him and he slowed right down to 11mph. Attempted to overtake and the wanker sped up again to avoid me getting infront. Report him to police, needs his license revoking ASAP!
Colour Black
Fuel type Petrol
Date registered 2 July 2015
MOT valid until 23 June 2023
This idiot thinks the middle lane is for turning right. This particular roundabout is unmarked so normal rules apply.
MOT history shows little regard for brakes safety.