Speeds in 30 zone to get through green lights in the distance. Jumped a red light at a later set of lights and didn’t give way at roundabout to vehicle on his immediate right.
Otherwise okay.
What an absolute tosser, driving at 50mph on the overtaking lane on the motorway blocking everyone from overtaking when lanes 1 and 2 are clear! They also started to brake test anyone that got close to them to make them move or flashed at them
This moron doesn't read road signs, doesn't look at the markings on the road, doesn't indicate or look where he's going and when he nearly drove into me didn't have a clue and just shrugged, thick as pig shit!!!
Driving through Hemel Hempstead, in a rush to sell his drugs and pick up his 14yo girlfriend. Also drives like a knob and doesn't understand what 'lanes' are.
What an absolute bell piece. Needs to understand that tailgating people close enough for them to see the shine off his head doesn't make him a big man.
Persists with the tailgating when there are other lanes available. Congrats on winning the 'White Van Man of The Year' award, stick it up your japs eye
Parked in a junction when there was plenty of parking space 30 seconds ahead.