Considering the weather I was more surprised than usual. We just had a week of weather warnings and there you are driving down the A27 no more than 5 meters behind the car in front, flashing and trying to get passed. I let you passed after you were tailgating me for a few minutes as I didn't fancy whiplash if I had to put my brakes on. I saw you do this to 4 cars, flashing lights also to get people to move for you. You then cut across 3 lanes at about 85 mph to exit.
You shouldn't be on the road, I hope that when you crash it's only your degenerate self that ends up wiped up. Fucking MORON
Considering the weather I was more surprised than usual. We just had a week of weather warnings and there you are driving down the A27 no more than 5 meters behind the car in front, flashing and trying to get passed. I let you passed after you were tailgating me for a few minutes as I didn't fancy whiplash if I had to put my brakes on. I saw you do this to 4 cars, flashing lights also to get people to move for you. You then cut across 3 lanes at about 85 mph to exit.
You shouldn't be on the road, I hope that when you crash it's only your degenerate self that ends up wiped up. Fucking MORON