This driver could not drive. Kept honking at a cyclist, dangerously overtaking drivers and swerving all over the road. When I took this photo, the passenger, who was male, got out of the car and chased me into the forest. This driver shouldn't be on the road. Bet he has a massive dick though.
Very dangerous driver, he almost hit me speeding across a roundabout, he beeped his horn multiple time and followed me to a set of traffic lights where he began to shout some very harsh verbal abuse at me. Guessing his penis is huge.
EJ18 BOVBig dick BMW driver 19962019-08-18 18:38:59
So this idiot in a mini challenged me to a race being the good sport I am I accepted, after I got completely thrashed I congratulated him as not only could he obnoxiously rev his engine better than me, but his meat rod was considerably larger than my own. My absolute respect goes out to this huge dicked mini driver.
This driver is now officially on our radar, for your own safety aviod this drive at all costs, his penis is most likely far larger than yours and one of our own officers was put into a coma after seeing the monumental size of this reckless drivers penis.
Now I thought i had a large penis, (14 inches) but when I saw this wannabe boy racer speeding around in his fake John cooper works mini I knew then due to his lack of care for other road users and his need to rev his engine, his penis was by far larger than any I've ever encountered.
Has no regard for the safety of others, saw him rocket past on the M4 towards Reading with his stupidly bright lights, going easily double the speed limit of 70. Building on the previous comment, his penis is more than likely a record breaker. My best guess, 12 inches, and I’m low balling. If you’ll pardon the pun.
I had to quit my job after I saw how this fool was driving. Completely reckless, going 70 in 30mph zones, hes a madman and quite clearly has a much larger penis than I do.
This driver could not drive. Kept honking at a cyclist, dangerously overtaking drivers and swerving all over the road. When I took this photo, the passenger, who was male, got out of the car and chased me into the forest. This driver shouldn't be on the road. Bet he has a massive dick though.