Driving on the motorway this guy drove right behind very close and started flashing lights, I moved over and gestured 'why'. He then dives right in front of me, slams on his breaks then signals for me to get out and fight him on the hard shoulder. He then pulls onto the hard shoulder so I continue to drive he then goes back onto the motorway, into the far lane and then again jumps back in front of me slamming on his breaks. He then goes backwards and forwards doing this for about 10mins.
He nearly killed us with his dangerous driving.
Black Audi A8 driven exactly like you'd expect an Audi to be driven. She tried to force her way into a left turn lane right at the front because she was too lazy to queue (which was denied) then tried to undertake me even though there were parked cars in the inside lane (also denied). Absolute waste of oxygen.
Blue Ford Transit Connect Limited. Driver and Assailant are full on con artists, scammers, fraudsters. Driver has tattoos on neck/arms. Be aware. Be vigilant!
National windscreens van! Driver being aggressive for no reason! Had my children in the car. It was a red light and he was reving engine then when it went green swerving all over the road!! Bet he's not that keen when he's replacing windows, silly man!
A prize cunt, tried to run me off the road twice