Absolute arsehole come wrong way on roundabout then tried to cut me up then starts making hand gestures when I have a child in the car. Cannot drive think he got his driving license out of a kinda egg had my child not been in the car I’ve have told him what I thought of him bet he wouldn’t have done that had I been a bloke, the coward
Bloody crappy scrap metal pickup shouting through his megaphone, and has one of those stupid "reversing" noises on with a sad Welsh accent and then some sirens and stuff. Complete arsehole scavenging the streets.
As well as having a shit car, poor driving skills, a short temper, and I suspect had been drinking, also no valid MOT or insurance. Reported you to the police for the above and threatening behaviour cunt.
Absolute arsehole come wrong way on roundabout then tried to cut me up then starts making hand gestures when I have a child in the car. Cannot drive think he got his driving license out of a kinda egg had my child not been in the car I’ve have told him what I thought of him bet he wouldn’t have done that had I been a bloke, the coward