This guy almost killed me and my partner, turned into our lane without looking in the mirror, if not partners quick reaction and the fact lane to the left was empty, he would of crushed us. Did not have any company logo or else i would have spoken to them. Worst motorway experience ever. Happened 2/2/18 8:50am
Busy car park on a Saturday afternoon with queuing traffic leaving the supermarket. Waiting patiently, mindful of pedestrians and also not to block the lanes for any cars entering the car park.
Indicating with the intention of taking a right I move forward only to come in conflict with an absolute moron too important to wait a minute. Queue jumper blocks the entrance as a result and off camera has a go at me !!
And to top it, sh*t for brains takes a left out of the car park from the right turn lane.
Oh, leaving the car park a numpty on the wrong side of the road drives straight at me.
Porsche Undercut FAIL!
Where did it get you EXACTLY! back behind me..