Bloody crappy scrap metal pickup shouting through his megaphone, and has one of those stupid "reversing" noises on with a sad Welsh accent and then some sirens and stuff. Complete arsehole scavenging the streets.
You ever wonder who deliberately goes out of their way to buy those wretched, base-spec, piss-yellow cars? Turns out… this guy!
Too poor and self-cantered to get himself a residents permit for the street he actually lives on, he instead opts to dump this eye-watering piece of shit the next street over.
Enjoys pulling out immediately in front of people on the A590, Cumbria's most accident prone road - left me in oncoming traffic to immediately aviod hitting.
Even exceeded the typical Audi behaviour most drivers have become accustomed to.
Hand your licence back into the nearest Post Office, clearly you are not fit to drive and simply an idiot in every way putting people at risk
learn how to park!!!!!!!!!!!!!