Pulls out when he can clearly see a car coming up the hill towards him.
Thinking because he's in a tin box landrover he owns the road.
Then tries to show how quick he is by cutting each and every corner in an effort to go fast. Because land rovers can't corner and thats only way he can do it.
The car behind you sticking to the road like a magnet, negotiating the bends properly and being held up by your mobile skip was an Alfa Romeo. Learn your place in the world. Bin lorries are higher up the road pecking order than jlr rubbish
Just been forced off the road by this imbecile - was along side him on a roundabout and he decided to take the same turning as me, forcing me onto the run off strip - has been captured on camera and will be submitted to the authorities for them to review
Ridiculous diver over took me at a corner cut me up was close to having an accident absolutely dangerous especially when it puts people life’s at risk!! Grow up and drive carefully people’s life’s matter!!!
Stop driving around beeping your horn for no reason you fucking cockwomble. Not unless you want to cook your Christmas turkey over the open flames of your burning car.
This man verbally and almost physically assaulted me after I simply told him to move his car as it was obstructing another car. Avoid. Police will be contacted.
absolutely useless at parking - took up two very large spces