This fat vile creature pulled over on a busy central London street, urinated all over the pavement and then casually got back into his car as if nothing had happened. You pathetic, disgusting bald old man. Hardly a surprise you’re single and on Plenty of a Fish.
Tooted behind three times today he was two cars behind me
On first incident 2nd and third he was right behind me on first of those I was giving way to traffics from my right on roundabout 2nd I was at yellow box junction so did not enter he went to cut in front of me I moved out so he couldn’t get round and I shouted at him what an idiot he was.
He had some form of permit
On his windscreen and he transports people round I wouldn’t trust him VW minibus
OAP driver who doesn’t look left when pulling out onto a main road, 10CM away from writing my car of and then thinks it’s acceptable to overtake , get lairy and say it’s your fault
terrible aggressive driver who will cut you off at roundabouts.. Intimidate you tailgating extremely close. If in contact, better call the police and aware them of this driver. Should have his license revoked for his dangerous driving
Should not be on the road! Very angry and aggressive old male driver in Basingstoke, pulls out without due care nearly causing a crash, makes offensive gestures (obviously ignoring the fact he’s in the wrong) and doesn’t care about anyone else on the road. Reported to police for dangerous driving and they are investigating as this apparently isn’t the first time.
Cut in front of us (orange Suzuki swift) leading up to the stanground slip road in Peterborough. GC15 LVN was following a colleague in the van AK60 UEU took third exit on Stanground Fire Station roundabout towards Farcet.
audi driver tailgaiting 200 metres before a roundabout, im in the right lane, turning right, I let him through anyway despite having to move back right immediately. then the c*nt brake checks me after the roundabout. wtf! 99% of audi drivers give the rest a bad name.
Learn how to get in lane rather than cutting everyone up after coming off a roundabout