trying to trace this car that I sold to a scrap collector dealer who picked it up in Nov 17 and know I am having parking tickets speeding fines all sorts from the Bristol area I didn't think I was needing the recept 8 months later I have no idea who I sold it to thanks for anyone's help in advance
So this car is already on this site and has no tax
Then this car is on the road illegally as it has just passed me on the motorway
The fucking dimwit ran up my arse and nearly raped my fucking exhaust and it's a mans exhaust not one of those little pea poppers
I could not move out of his way as i was on the outside and had a line of traffic on my inside and then he started to flash his headlights a me as to move out of his way
I shouted where the fuck can i go dimwit and then he was waving his arms about just like kermit the frog
Eventually someone on the inside lane saw what was going on and slowed the traffic to let me in (thanks my driver)
Then this dimwit took off like a bat out of hell
He was in his late 20s and Asian and looked small in structure with what looked like a joint in his left hand as i could smell it when he went passed as my windows and his were both open
I would report the idiot to police but i guess they will do frig all
Disgusting female driver using the road as her ashtray and chucking ash and fag ends out the window.