This happens everyday in London..ape-like behaviour. I don't know where they get this attitude from, maybe it's certain "rights " groups and the MSN (BBC in particular), but it's clear the black man made the situation 10x worse. At least in the States a lot of people are allowed to defend themselves, here in the UK these loons are on the loose and out for blood, and I think many of us here are familiar with the buttons often pressed by their defence, whenever they're up shit creek so to speak..animals.
This driver doesn't know the rules of the road and pulls out in front of cars nearly causing accidents. He thinks he's special so the laws don't apply to him. Every other car should just get out his way because he's coming through whether you like it or not and if you dare to damage his pride by not letting him get away with his bad driving, he will fly into a rage. The video shows what a bastard this guy is.
i farted when i saw the car