Typical C*nt of an Audi driver. So important that rather than wait for a safe distance before I pulled into the slow lane so the self important tw*t could carry on driving at 100mph in the fast lane, he decided to cut across the lorry and try and undertake. Must have been late for his d*ck extension appointment. Would have served him right if he had clipped the lorry and removed himself from the gene pool. Absolute c*nt puffin.
This dumb wanker thinks it's a fucking brilliant idea to pull out in front of a car doing 70 on a country lane and do about 5 fucking miles per hour you prick.
Yet another queue jumping CUNT at Rowstock roundabout in Oxfordshire who does the same thing every weekday evening at around 17:10.
Approaching the roundabout from the A4185, the road splits into two lanes and the selfish moron pulls into the right-hand lane and then does a complete circle around the roundabout to queue jump everyone else who are waiting patiently in the left-hand lane to take the first and second exits. In other words he takes the first exit as well, but is too impatient to wait like the rest of us. I hope your selfish actions are worth it just to get to your home in Portway Close, East Hendred, 30 seconds earlier each night. What is so important that you can't queue like the rest of us you CUNT?
Lethal driver, will cause a crash! Undertook us while he was speeding we were mid lane merge from 2 lanes to 1 while it was our right of way causing us to nearly hit oncoming traffic. Also not sure if legally driving as he looks about 12years old.
This clueless woman has no idea how a filter lane works and goes out of her way to block vehicles from merging in order to arrive home a few minutes early at the cheap new build rabbit warren paradise of Great Denham.
Typical C*nt of an Audi driver. So important that rather than wait for a safe distance before I pulled into the slow lane so the self important tw*t could carry on driving at 100mph in the fast lane, he decided to cut across the lorry and try and undertake. Must have been late for his d*ck extension appointment. Would have served him right if he had clipped the lorry and removed himself from the gene pool. Absolute c*nt puffin.