Awful driver. Has no respect. Every time you pass them on the country lanes they never move to let you by. Had to go into grass verges and hedges to get passed scratching my car. They go round corners on narrow roads far too quickly almost causing accidents. Think they own the road!!!
Claims that he is some sort of car dealer who advertises in the local area. He sold me a VW Polo with a head gasket issue and then when I complained he said the phrase "Time will tell" over and over again and then put the phone down. Then I met him coming the other way on a country lane at over 50mph around a blind corner. I rolled down my window and we both came to a halt, he then continued to stare at me bolt-eyed mouthing the words "Eggs" and drove off.
Hogs the 3rd lane and hits the brakes when he has nobody in front of him. When you try to safely undertake he moves over on purpose without indicating. His dad must have raped him when he was 8 as I can't see another reason to be so suicidal.
Was parked
Next to vehicle passenger getting into car rammed door into mine not realising I was in the passenger seat. As they drove off - not making any attempt to stop and look at damage I took a photo with my phone. Female driver then reversed back asking if I'd taken a photo of her car. I said yes as they handnt stopped and I hadn't checked if they had damaged my car. She then rudely asked me to delete photo and said there was not damage and then tried I blame the fact that my partner had parked too close to the white line - though he had managed to get out the drivers side no issues without slamming our door onto her car when he exited and he parked within the bay lines. I explained this to them and also responded that if her friend needed more space to get into the vehicle then perhaps she could have reversed out of the bay before her friend got could get in through the passenger door. She had no response to this and drove off. I've checked car. There are scratches to paintwork to the door handle so glad I took a photo in case damage was far worse seeing as they made no attempt to stop it even leave a note.
5pm Thursday 27th July 2017: M2 JCN 3 Coastbound:
Noticed this mans driving was a bit dodgy, overtaking by switching lanes without a signal. Thinking he might do something worth putting on here I stayed behind until sure enough he moved into the path of an HGV!
Awful driver. Has no respect. Every time you pass them on the country lanes they never move to let you by. Had to go into grass verges and hedges to get passed scratching my car. They go round corners on narrow roads far too quickly almost causing accidents. Think they own the road!!!