Weaves in and out of traffic, undertaking and overtaking without a care. Breaks the speed limit, runs the lights and then parks in a disabled space (no blue badge needed here apparently).
Hardly surprising that the rear bumper is damaged.
This one reckons they are the mutts nuts, but in reality they're a road rage victim waiting to happen.
This white Renault van is involved in the sales of none working fridges, with pipes cut out the bottom. Just sold a fridge in Quinton then sped off with oil running out the bottom of the fridge, known to be around Dudley area too. Two men.
Just sold a fridge that had all the pipes cut underneath then sped off in the Quinton area and is known in Dudley. White renault. Two men ripping people off.
Heads up fellow haters. This car is always parked in Rockstone Place at the back of St Anne's Catholic school if any annoyed passengers are interested in knowing the location of the car. Reliably and recently sourced information.
What a great driver , in front of me , obviously
Advanced in driving and looked 60+