Blatantly jumped a red light that had been red for absolutely ages.
This was the last one of three cars in a row to go through a red light -- the light had been red for at least 3 seconds yet they sailed past the red light, presumably because they saw the two cars in front went through it red and thought 'one more doesn't matter'. It hadn't even just gone red -- it had been red for ages.
Custom numberplates don't give you a licence to be an idiot.
Location: A325, Wrecclesham, Hampshire
8th April 2016 @ 1:20 pm
Blatantly jumped a red light that had been red for absolutely ages.
This was the last one of three cars in a row to go through a red light -- the light had been red for at least 3 seconds yet they sailed past the red light, presumably because they saw the two cars in front went through it red and thought 'one more doesn't matter'. It hadn't even just gone red -- it had been red for ages.
Custom numberplates don't give you a licence to be an idiot.
Location: A325, Wrecclesham, Hampshire
8th April 2016 @ 1:20 pm
He tailgaited me ( About 3 Feet from my Bumper) for about half a mile, i was in a single lane carriageway,am not from the area but i think the road is the A179,then he overtook me breaking speed limit into oncoming traffic, then he tailgaited the van in front of him,the van indicated right turn but other driver didn't,then as the van turned right the other driver undertook him,mounted the curb and raced off at speed down the slip road, he pulled into traffic on the A19 North without indicating and crossed two lanes without any reduction in speed or care for other road users.
I have all of this on my dash board camera and a photograph of his number plate.