At 1300 hrs a driver in a white van was travelling from Bolderwood towards the A35 cross road. I was one of two cyclists riding downhill at 18mph on the road. The driver very aggressively blew his horn and shouted out of the cab window because the road was too narrow for him to pass. Eventually (after approx. 0.5 miles) he did pass us at a blind spot approaching the brow of a hill. Fortunately there was no oncoming vehicle.
HY03 RKZVice President of Wessex2015-09-27 10:01:10
A total and utter nutcase. Overtook on a bend in a 30 zone (nearly head on with a Land Rover Defender). Then attempted to break away but, fortunately, was stuck behind an elderly driver who was just far too witty for his meagre sized brain.
When the elderly driver turned off the main road he began to shout horrendous profanities at the suggestion this would improve the elderly drivers driving.
As he then proceeded to put his foot down to accelerate he overdid the throttle and mounted the curb, slamming over a 'wheely' bin. He even swore at the bin.
The car is a ford escort estate, greeny/blue (horrible)... Not, as the driver believes, a red Ferrari.
This all took place in Kelston/Weston, Bath and Somerset.
The man is probably due for sectioning.
This driver is very poor, talking whilst driver, texting whilst driving even driving in the handstand position (good posture may I add) however above all, I noticed that the driver has no hands, I found this very confusing and had to report this,
Female driver started to perform a u-turn from a parked position just as we were about to pass her at 30mph resulting in significant damage to our NSR panel. Worse, her husband and her made up a story to blame us. Fortunately, the insurance companies were having none of it. Reckless, selfish and dishonest.
Worst drivers ever seen in my life nearly killed some in the car he should be fired