What a miserable old wanker, driving towards burntwood, pulled out on me at five ways island and nearly caused me to crash and then saw him raging in rear view mirror.
They should ban old cunts like this off the road as they do more harm than good.
Guy driving it is a complete bellend. Can tell he an Audi driver under cuts traffic. Brake tests people. Certainly doesn’t take note of the road. M25. Cut up a coach. Under cut him
We were all driving at about 50mph. I was on the inside lane and the traffic in the outside lane was starting to queue to turn right. As I was about to go past the start of the queue this mad driver in his Mercedes accelerated and suddenly swerved in front of me into a gap that was not big enough for him to fit behind the car in front of me. I had to slam my breaks on to avoid a bad accident! Everyone was sounding their horns!
The driver of this van would have killed me instantly riding my bike up Hatches Lane, near Denham about 2pm/ 2;30pm if I had not risen straight into the hedge. I am still thinking fo going to the police. There is no way anyone would drive a transit van at that speed down a tiny single country lane. If I had been a car it would have been a head on collision. I wish I had go pro footage of this. The driver would be sent to prison.
This number plate driving on the m1 near Nottingham young lad with young girl beside him swerved across lanes in front of me really dangerous so honked the horn and the idiot slammed on the brakes in front of me.
thats why hes in the ''middle of the road'' why is she trying to get past him on a road with parked cars either side? i dont think she could get past him even if he was right over anyway?
What a miserable old wanker, driving towards burntwood, pulled out on me at five ways island and nearly caused me to crash and then saw him raging in rear view mirror.
They should ban old cunts like this off the road as they do more harm than good.