This is actually a CCTV Enforcement car, that was parked on the pavement and over a single yellow line in times of operation, causing an obstruction, yet they continue to issue fines to unsuspecting motorists who may not know the area or when moving, have not seen the signs because they are either obstructed, absent or cluttered with other roadsigns!! What gives them the right to break the law as well?
This idiot driver parks right in the centre of a new bike lane in Bristol. If the driver had parked to one side it wouldn't have been so bad. At least that would have allowed bikes to pass. The driver could even have part-straddled the lane and part road, over the kerb and that wouldn't be so bad, but parking how the driver has is plain selfish and arrogant.
Texting or making phone call?
Might be sitting in traffic but still illegal