Wouldn't be surprised if this vehicle was a) involved in an accident, and b) Parked on the pavement to avoid a fine. Wonder if there were any notices in the window? Whatever the case and on a lighter note, I personally think it's an ugly bastard of a car.. the Brits sure do stand for some shite..
If someone tries to over-take you like this (an illegal over-take), try to slow down and or get out the way. Your safety is the first priority - against a ton or more of metal you are going to lose, regardless of being 'in the right'. I've been there myself; red mist syndrome can set in and all you want to do is (naturally) protest their wrong-doing. But that's where the risk gets multiplied significantly because you can easily lose your concentration. Number one priority: keep safe. Fuck them. Keep safe.
Honestly I think the cyclist could have taken a better road position. Secondary position is not recommended at a roundabout, you should be in primary to avoid situations like what happened here.
Just watched this film.
I, personally, pushed his car up the road whilst he was out of the car.
He needs locating and locked up.
Although footage needs checking just incase the lorry driver did some thing.
Although producing a bat and dangerous driving isn't acceptable.
01:34 There is no justification for aiming at the cyclist. None. The only person to blame for it is the driver.