Crazy and dangerous driver. White van on M25 driving millimetres from my rear bumper and of other drivers too. Flashed and sounded horn because I couldn't go any faster due to very slow and heavy traffic. Turned off onto A320 and shouted abuse at me as he passed. White guy in grey hooded top. Really dangerous and very intimidating.
TThe driver of this car is a liar!
They reveresed into me, when I was at a standstill with my handbrake on. They asked me to get quotes to repair the car, which I did and these ranged from £750-850. They said that if it was closer to £500 then they would be happy to pay. I couldn't get a quote this low. Now they are denying liablity!! LIARS!
I'd like to apologise to the driver of this silver Kia Cee'd who I almost merged into on the M8 earlier today after failing to check my blind-spot properly. It was simply a lapse in judgement on my part, but as it could have ended badly I feel I must admit to it. Thank you for staying calm and avoiding a potentially serious accident. Sorry once again!
another UBER twat wrong way round car park.