TThe driver of this car is a liar!
They reveresed into me, when I was at a standstill with my handbrake on. They asked me to get quotes to repair the car, which I did and these ranged from £750-850. They said that if it was closer to £500 then they would be happy to pay. I couldn't get a quote this low. Now they are denying liablity!! LIARS!
I'd like to apologise to the driver of this silver Kia Cee'd who I almost merged into on the M8 earlier today after failing to check my blind-spot properly. It was simply a lapse in judgement on my part, but as it could have ended badly I feel I must admit to it. Thank you for staying calm and avoiding a potentially serious accident. Sorry once again!
Driver did one close pass, causing me to scream (I'm on a bike) stopped, then verbally abused me as I passed, did another 'Punishment Pass' causing me to scream again. he stops, threatens me with violence, gets out and swings a punch at me, but misses as i've anticipated and cycled off, then drives back at me, aiming square at me with intention of hitting me from behind, luckily i can dive into a gap between 2 parked cars. other drivers around express shcok that he would have hit me had i not taken evasive action. very dangerous and aggressive individual.
TThe driver of this car is a liar!
They reveresed into me, when I was at a standstill with my handbrake on. They asked me to get quotes to repair the car, which I did and these ranged from £750-850. They said that if it was closer to £500 then they would be happy to pay. I couldn't get a quote this low. Now they are denying liablity!! LIARS!