I almost got side-swiped by a fat lesbian blonde woman a roundabout yesterday. When I looked over I saw her, get this and this is not a lie, on a cell phone being held by her shoulder pushing it to her ear, a stupid black car on her lap peering back at me, her left hand barely holding on to the steering wheel, a cupcake in her right hand, and a McDonald's drink in the cup holder! Yes, she was eating a freaking cupcake while talking on her mobile. To people who ride around with fluffy cats on their lap; it's not cute, it's stupid! You look like an idiot and if you get into a crash which is very likely since you have a huge distraction on your lap, if the wreck doesn't kill the cat then most likely the airbag will.
I fucking hate SQ5 Audis, as theyre almost always driven by FUCKING WANKERS. luckily this is just a Q5. Oh, sorry, you just need to teach kid to spell