Superb driving. Was following behind the lady in rough weather when she warned other road users behind of a collision ahead by putting her hazard lights on and slowly weaving between 2 lanes, Deffinetly saved further incidents.
Typical arsehole who'll make your blood boil, tail gates, dangerously cuts out, cuts back in, how far did you get down Hyde road? Two cars, one after I turned off, knob. I also have a baby on board sign, didn't give a crap when he was 2 inches from my rear bumper, I just wanted to put my fist through his face at the lights, busted old Focus wanker.
This guy repeatedly tailgated me, despite me doing the speed limit. I slowed a bit to ask him to move back and he rammed up within about a foot of my car. If I'd have breaked he'd have rammed me. He then overtook in a 30 zone on a blind corner, before cutting me up forcing me to hard brake to avoid a collision. Then he sped off at about 70 (still in the 30).
The driver overtakes whilst the cyclist is signalling right, I had been signalling for over three seconds when this occurs!