This revolting waste of good healthy organs really didn't have to throw that bottle just to prove how microscopic his penis is - his atrocious driving already displays it in spades.
Dangerously slow and inattentive driver, driving 15-20mph in 30mph zone today, including major roads in the Sharston area. Held up traffic in her lane and was lucky not to cause an accident just in the few minutes I was driving nearby.
MM05 VVUDangerous Overtake and brake checked2018-12-26 23:20:20
This guy decided that after riding my arse across a roundabout they wanted to get in front of me, so they drove alongside me in the hashed centre of a 40 road, bearing in mind I'm already doing 40, and dues to how close they were I hit my horn with them beside and flashed them to bring their dangerous driving to their attention, and they responded by hitting their brakes, making me drop to under 20 in a couple of seconds and very nearly rear-ending them.
On the clip you'll also be treated to two or three other idiots on the road just before the over take.