He continued to speed and over take on the wrong side of the road three times almost causing head on crashes with on coming cars whilst he had a very young child in the back of his car, needs to be taken off the road for that childs safety
I'm guessing he's an Uber driver but whatever all taxi drivers are licensed by the local authority and as such taxi drivers are held to a higher standard.
The uploader should report this to his local taxi licensing office who will take positive action to ensure this will not happen again.
Now the worst part of this reporting is that some taxi drivers who have had their taxi licence revoked will go "under ground" (Use other contacts/details/vehicle to continue their trade thereby putting other passengers/road users at risk)
The man who filmed this is a hero. I bet all the drivers sitting there waiting we’re very grateful. We should all be doing this to make pushy drivers realise it’s unnaceptable and will not be tolerated. I’m so fed up with selfish drivers who think no one else matters but them. Does this minicab driver think everyone else is queuing just for fun? He even had the audacity to act as if he was the victim. As he is licensed by Transport for London as a private hire driver, I really feel this should be reported to TFL as you never know, they may revoke his licence.
He continued to speed and over take on the wrong side of the road three times almost causing head on crashes with on coming cars whilst he had a very young child in the back of his car, needs to be taken off the road for that childs safety