NL13 CMO 2016-10-06 01:29:49

It's a bad turning.. stationary cars trying to join a dual-carriageway. It's bound to happen every so often.
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NL13 CMO 2016-10-03 16:58:55

Another dashcam wanker.
He pulled into the slower lane, what's the problem?
That Transit probably only does 40mph
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NL13 CMO 2016-10-03 16:21:06

I saw no minimum speed signs there. Do the transit was doing nothing wrong. Original poster: have you passed your test? Read the highway code?
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NC06 FPJ 2016-09-24 21:12:04

Driving north on 23 Sept 2016 I witnessed the 'driver' of this Corsa cutting inside to overtake then returning to middle lane of M6 and pulling out as I made to pass. He(she) wearing a cap, glasses, chubby face with longish hair spent around 30 minutes
breaking suddenly, swaying across the outside lane: the slow moving traffic (roadworks) J14-18 stretch allowed me to witness disturbing, erratic behaviour during this period when this moron 'bounced' around, turning, bending to the side, slapping the wing mirror, removing and replacing the cap, breaking suddenly, not moving forward with traffic till a gap appeared, then speeding to close the gap and, finally, suddenly racing from the outside lane almost straight across and off the motorway and into Sandbach Services. I was driving from Portsmouth to Ayr, Scotland in a 3-litre turbo Saab 9.5 and could have at any time in normal conditions left this cretin behind. Road works prevented this and I was not inclined to break my journey to remonstrate with such a knucklehead. However, he(she) knowingly endangered my life and my wife who was with me and anxious. I don't like any member of my family being threatened in whatever form. It is a big mistake!
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NG06 DWA 2016-09-30 20:16:56

Fat fucking arsehole, tried to run me over doon the road!! get iss cunt aff the roads!!!!!!
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NU15 XPS 2016-09-29 01:18:04

And for what it's worth, amber means stop too ;)
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NU15 XPS 2016-09-29 01:06:33

Thanks for letting us all use your road
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NA10 JWV 2016-09-27 22:47:15

Tinted windows
Black car

I don't need to stereotype this asswipe
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NG03 VJA 2016-09-24 20:23:42

Absolute cuntil did another hit and run.
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NG03 VJA 2016-09-24 10:17:44

Hit a fellow M9s car! Bad news this lass, stay clear.
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