NC57 AVC 2015-08-21 19:13:38

Forgot to say - you did the finger to a bus full of kids. Well done big man
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NG53 NUK 2015-08-06 14:36:06

Not taxed or MOT'd for over a year
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NA61 KVH 2015-08-01 21:26:08

I always find BMW/Audi drivers amusing wee willy characters. When criticized they always say your jealous. Na! been there done that, I always buy better cars than their poverty specced, outdated ones. They are just very sad people who are bottom of the intellectual league table and think that and old banger with dyslexic plates on somehow elevates them into being more worthy. Like I said, sad people.
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NK62 HXJ 2015-08-08 11:01:29

It may look to be safe but believe me it wasn't he cut in so close, the camera doesn't show that and his speed, it even set the camera off
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ND62 OBR 2015-08-05 09:03:25

Apart from telling us that this is an Audi Diesel, what good is the screenshot?
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NV61 EUU 2015-07-02 18:32:23

Sorry guys video didn't upload, here is the link

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NV07 OXH 2015-07-07 15:14:53

Not entirely sure if you know this pal, but all cars are fitted with indicators. TRY USING THEM EVERY NOW AND THEN!!
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NV07 OXH 2015-07-07 15:04:02

Stop thumbing your own plate you loser
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NV07 OXH 2015-07-05 23:27:53

thumbing up own plate? Instant ban for you my friend.
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NV07 OXH 2015-07-05 01:33:09

Why do skodas have heated rear windows? To heat your hands up when you push them (preferably over a cliff)
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