N918 AHD 2016-02-21 23:20:35

This twat probably didn't use his hand to indicate he was changing lane to overtake the other cyclists he was 'racing' just prior to the collision. Also he was going to fast to stop therefore he is a prick.
I would have kicked his arse for hitting my vehicle in his pursuit to race across London.

What a cunt.
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N918 AHD 2016-02-20 19:37:02

Well the driver was a f*ing tw*t but it was comical how you through yourself down like a premier league footballer and lay for ages despite having no injury. Even the other cyclists were passing on by thinking shat a drama queen!
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N918 AHD 2016-02-20 14:33:58

Wow, Hope you are OK?

I usually drive and have recently seen bikes around London/Amsterdam which seemed rather mad. But this is very wrong - The driver needs to be put up against a judge at least? Did you contact the police with his reg??
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N918 AHD 2016-02-20 13:52:23

You cyclists sure live a dangerous life. Many years ago I used to cycle race for a team so would spend many hours cycling long distances during training, I had a few scary moments then and I lost a few people I knew due to morons being allowed to drive vehicles, we didn't have cameras then but now you lot do. So just keep on doing what you do and exposing these potential murderers. Just to note, I am a car driver and do over 1000 miles per week on all types of roads and speeds. Most likely most of these idiots don't even do a a fraction of that but think they are better drivers than anyone else.
Listen you chimps, it doesn't take much brain power to press a pedal, but just try reasoning your behavior.
Can,t do it can you!!.
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NA12 HZK 2016-02-21 23:13:15

Theres a space right behind him, hes just taking the piss. Wheres Parking Pataweyo when you need him?
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NA59 YRZ 2016-02-21 19:44:53

Extract from Highway Code rule 219 about emergency vehicles: "Consider the route of such a vehicle and take appropriate action to let it pass, while complying with all traffic signs."
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NA12 HZK 2016-02-19 22:14:35

Oh dear. This should be followed up.. they're quick to act on everyone else, so let's see their rat-like cunning? Turned on their own!
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NV10 WNF 2016-02-19 16:46:24

Take this idiot off the roads before he kills some one
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N44 MCT 2016-02-19 09:11:33

Stupid Audi wanker!
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NA59 YRZ 2016-02-01 21:00:01

Idiot who wouldn't move over for an ambulance!
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