NL11 VOM 2016-03-25 03:27:25

Get proof.
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NG57 FHD 2016-03-17 23:37:18

Were they speeding? No. Being threatening? No. Maybe they hired the car.. were new to driving.. didn't know the area or simply made an oversight. Is it really the crime of the century if someone doesn't drive at or near 60 mph on a 60 mph road? Anyway, consider this.. who do you think will stop the soonest? Don't warry abaat it man.......
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NC54 XWW 2016-03-23 19:49:15

not gonna lie it fucks me off as well when you got two lorry drivers hogging the road respect to mr big balls in the lil kia
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NC54 XWW 2016-03-23 15:14:13

To all the dick heads saying lorry driver at fault then your just as stupid and dangerous as the prick in the red corrolla .
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NC55 NXW 2016-03-22 14:21:49

If you see this driver, run, run and never look back, otherwise he'll run you down and laugh as he does it.
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NC55 NXW 2016-03-22 14:21:04

Superb driver, drives exactly the speed limit every ware, makes very good time.
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NX58 XNJ 2016-03-14 19:39:11

You've clearly done something to antagonize the situation. Post the full video because people don't just randomly get angry for no reason, granted his actions were silly but you're not 100% innocent yourself
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NC54 XWW 2016-03-21 09:50:36

Needs banning off the roads
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NC54 XWW 2016-03-21 02:39:30

what an r soul
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NX65 AHK 2016-03-20 15:08:01

Great to hear there's good in the world these days...praise to you both
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