Stop completely in the middle of the road without warning causing cars to brake hard behind. No indicators. No nothing before finally deciding (a good 40 seconds later) to indicate and pull into into a parking space on the opposite side of the road… despite there being spaces not 200ft in front.
Mirror SIGNAL Manoeuvre.
Clearly we can’t see what is wrong with what we have just done and decide to return a warning horn with a musical melody from our Peugeot and associated “sign language”.
Example of the state of driving these days “I’m alright Jack it’s everyone else not me”
Idiot tailgating through a 30mph and 20mph area. If the car stops, could you? The answer is no! Maybe more time focussed on the road and less time with whatever’s in your centre console.
Wonderful advertisement for Frontline Taxis… speeding through a 50mph section of road doing at least 75mph!
WHATS THE RUSH? The road is clear and traffic moving at the speed limit!