OU70 KZM 2023-03-07 16:54:14

Typical pickup driver who doesn't need a pickup and can't park
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OU04 YHA 2023-02-27 23:28:09

jumped red lights just to end up in a queue...
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OU68 VGZ 2023-02-05 02:03:17

my son is a simp
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OU68 YBS 2023-01-17 12:48:11

Throwing shapes and using a mobile phone, instead of holding the wheel and driving
+6pts & £200 fine
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OU63 YCF 2022-12-03 18:55:07

Bitch almost ram me over
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OU63 XLN 2022-11-12 20:31:00

Beware of this utter idiot if driving in Norwich! Tried to pull put in front of me as I was going around a roundabout even though I had the right of way and he almost caught my car. Didn't think anything more of it until I was at some traffic lights and he pulled up beside me and started laughing and his passenger gave us the finger. Tried to ask what his problem was but he wouldn't answer. Proceeded to roar off when lights went green and starting braking on and off. I had to turn off but after I put my indicator on, so did he. He then roared off again after turning but luckily I was turning into a car park anyway so thankfully nothing more happened after that. Was very shook up and felt so intimidated when I had done nothing wrong.
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OU65 RSZ 2022-11-08 09:30:44

Following another vehicle at 0.24s @54mph will get you in trouble. I'd like to see you do that to an unmarked car!
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OU15 XXE 2022-09-08 10:24:25

Dangerous driving, driving without due care and attention and using a mobile while driving.

This idiot cut in front of me at the junction at the top of the road and then proceeded to stop at a green light and refuse to move and decided to go on their phone.

Foul mouthed girl began swearing as I overtook. Reported to South Wales police for the above offences with evidence.

Get off the road.
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OU06 UZD 2022-04-24 15:44:02

Scummy little tosser hogging middle lane, forcing ppl to go around then overtaking them and deliberately to get in the way again. Possie looking to cause accidents for Insurance scam. Watch this little greasy rat
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OU15 SFV 2022-04-03 17:10:05

Doesn't bother indicating. Expects others to be mind readers & shouldn't even be on the bloody road.
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