Half price Andrew Tate in his penis extension Merc, flashing at other road users in front of him because they won't break the speed limit to let him past
If you make a mistake on the roundabout how about going around again and getting in the right lane instead of ploughing through and making it dangerous for everyone else, or are you too entitled?
Cunt in white mercedes tailgaiting and undertaking in heavy traffic on A14 on 19/06/2024. Car was being thrashed and driven erratically and at high speed on Trade plates. Some poor bastard will be buying this thrashed out heap from a dodgy dealer that has no care for the cats he supplies. If you’re thinking of buying this car, DON’T. Its had a very hard life. Driver is also a cunt.
Your insurance company must be really generous letting you completely black out 2 of your 3 brake lights and add an aftermarket exhaust! I wonder if other insurance companies would pay out if someone ran into the back of you because they didn't notice you were braking?
Parked in a permit space with no authority or permit. 3 tickets and council aren't doing anything about it. It's been over a week. Some people are just so selfish.
Total Muppet who thinks speed limits don't apply to him, doing well over 60 in a 40 zone whilst approaching a queue of traffic. Dangerous overtaker, an accident waiting to happen, but what else can we expect from an Audi driver. 🙄
On the pavement and on double yellow lines.