It's clear the driver had no intention of abiding by the speed limit, slowing down as required in anticipation of other road users, or for that matter providing suffificent passing distance. An abhorrent standard of driving. Total disregard for others.
And despite the facts, there is clearly no shortage of opreatives and all-round stupid people on YouTube eager to victim blame.. oh, the cyclist was hogging the road; should have moved over; there was plenty of space.
Blah blah blah. These people should print their responses and show them to a traffic officer or driving instructor. It WOULD fail a driving test yet to think they are still allowed to operate tons of metal that can wipe you out in an instant.
And these agitators are not confined to YouTube. Look what happens when articles are uploaded.. look at the comments. If they cannot invent fake road laws they will resort to inventing imaginarty taxation aka "Road" tax. Anythign to avoid the subject matter as well as their responsibilities whilst on the road. And these trolls are relentless.
This and more demonstrate the sheer scale of blind hatred and discrimination cyclists continue to face in this country on a daily basis. Something needs to change to bring us in line with other European countries.
wont let you pass? only thing not letting you pass is your talent pool