Impatient idiot in a Transit Connect 230 passes me ridiculously close on A6 as i'm on a bicycle. For the record, yes I own a car too you clown which will cost more in tax and insurance than your shitbox van so what's your next point?
Followed my 18 year old daughter and our dog in this car. Did several U-turns so he would cut her off. Pulled fully onto pavement where she was heading. Looking at her or dog, don’t know. Either way, potentially dangerous. Dark hair, smoking, 40s. Blue Nissan Micra.
Impatient idiot in a Transit Connect 230 passes me ridiculously close on A6 as i'm on a bicycle. For the record, yes I own a car too you clown which will cost more in tax and insurance than your shitbox van so what's your next point?