RK15 AUP - This driver should not be allowed to drive a vehicle this big on the road, or indeed any vehicle. He was doing c.40mph in a 20mph zone and overtook on a 2-lanes-go-into-1-lane setup at a traffic light intersection, pushing in at high speed past both myself and the car in front, extremely dangerous driving. This driver should be embarrassed and his company should know that he was bringing them into disrepute.
Love the trick of carrying a yellow parking ticket and pretending to have been booked. Maybe next time don’t park in someone else’s private space though ?!!
Going around sounding his horn for others to move out his way... sounded his horn at me while cutting me up on a roundabout when he was in the incorrect lane. He then drove onto the following roundabout pulling out behind someone who was already on the roundabout but because the other person wasn’t going fast enough for him he sounded his horn at him... poor driving and really irritating other drivers. Seemed although he thought his horn was for making people move out his way!!
Ignorant arrogant bitch who thinks everyone else should just get out of her way.
Tailgates and undertakes at speed on the motorway.