Careful, this cars Police Scotlands newish toy for the Traffic Police, and they've one for laser tag at overpasses (know from seeing them) the pic isn't mine so all rights to its owner but just be weary they already stopped me coming out with usual routine stop crap and tried to have banter with me but they were definitely hoping for something and they got very blunt when I started to record them.....not trying to be cunt I'm just saying you see this car double check yourself....
Very courteous and observant. I drive HGVs and this driver let me out to overtake even though it would slow the traffic to 50mph while I completed my manouver. Most drivers just blast up the side of you and keep you blocked in so they don't get held up!
Absolutley appaling driver, pulled out in front of me like a boy racer, with no indication of what he/she was doing. If it wasnt for some of the other drivers, this idiot would have caused a major traffic accident and a car pile up
Careful, this cars Police Scotlands newish toy for the Traffic Police, and they've one for laser tag at overpasses (know from seeing them) the pic isn't mine so all rights to its owner but just be weary they already stopped me coming out with usual routine stop crap and tried to have banter with me but they were definitely hoping for something and they got very blunt when I started to record them.....not trying to be cunt I'm just saying you see this car double check yourself....