VK13 ZHE 2023-10-24 13:40:09

Needs to learn how to park. Middle of pavement not the best place.
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V600 PEC 2023-10-31 12:33:41

Twat, learn to drive you bellend.
Suppose the chav plate should be a warning.
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VN23 CFJ 2023-10-28 10:30:20

Dear ,Oh Dear ....
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VK63 DBZ 2023-10-25 20:40:23

Shockingly slow, doing between 25 and 40 in a national speed limit.
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VN61 UYE 2023-10-13 13:21:44

Unable to park straight.

Get a bus pass, mate.
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VX67 UPN 2023-10-18 07:54:23

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V2 HHH 2023-10-05 16:49:50

Driver dose 40mph on a 30mph housing estate that everyone else dose 20mph due to the amount of children and dogs that play in the road. Drive ran over a dog due to this speed then just drove away without any care for the dog and said they were the victim for hitting the dog.
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VO71 KCN 2023-10-04 18:46:04

Almost ran two young men over on a Zebra crossing in Kensington today. Failed to stop when pedestrians were already on the road.
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VK21 FJJ 2023-10-10 07:45:54

Might want to have some driving lessons you 🤡
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VA02 VMD 2023-10-09 21:40:55

odd haircut
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